Bhikkhu Dharmeswar
In the current age of globalization, we observe change, renovation, development and institutional change in all aspects of life. In this earthly pleasure and luxury world, there arises the tune of sacrifice again like advent of Buddha’s. We also observe the optimistic change in young generation; they are becoming interested to lead lives following Dhamma and Vinaya gradually. We have to confess this fact seeing the young talented Monks who dedicated their sensual and luxury life for welfare of the society of Bangladesh Buddhist Community. My affectionate Praggabodhi Bhikkhu though he is young in age, but his judicious skills such as motion, conduct, giving up, courtesy, religious activities, daily practice of life and in presenting Dhamma talk; really ideal example of Sangha Community in southern area of Bangladesh. In small scale of my life, I got the opportunity to survey the young Buddhist Sangha of different Buddhist countries and I feel that the young monks of Bangladesh are more conscious about Dhamma and Vinaya than the young monks of those other countries. If we discuss deeply the history of Theravada Buddhism in Bangladesh, we find that famous Buddhist Archeologist Late Ven. Jagatchandra Mahathero, the disciple of leading Theravada personality the Late second Sangharaja Purnacher Dharmadhari Chandramohan Mahasthavir (1850-1948), who discovered the Ramkot Buddhist Monastery and Orphanage in Ramu, Cox’s Bazar built by the great Emperor Ashoka. After this discovery, he started to preach Buddhism in the Southern part of Bengal[1].Ramu is historically an important place in the district of Cox’s Bazar. After studying the history of naming the place ‘Ramu’, some historians opined that The Ramkot Monastery was not built by Ashoka. The ancient king of Dhainnaboti, Chanda Suriya invited Lord Buddha in this place and in the Dhamma talk; Lord Buddha declared that his chest relics will be established in this place in future[2]. This proves that The Ramkot Buddhist Monastery was established in the advent of Buddha-long before the ruling period of Emperor Ashoka. Among the Buddhists of Southern part of Bengal, the first Theravada ordained monk was Late Sanghanayaka Most Ven. Dharmapal Mahathero, the General Secretary of Bengal Buddhist Association in Calcutta and Sanghanayaka of All Indian Bhikkhu Sangha. He ordained monk under the great saint of Late Ariyasavaka Gyanissar Mahathero in 1945 at Unainpura lankaram Buddhist Monastery, Chittagong[3]. The second ordained monk of this region is Most Ven. Sattyapriya Mahathero who was given the title Aggamahasaddammajotikdhaja by the Govt. of Myanmar. He was worthy disciple of Late Vinayacariya Ariavangsa Mahathero. Other than these two great men, the monks who contributed a lot for the development in religious activities, social welfare, General and Monastery education also Buddhist meditation of the region were: Late Most Ven. Gyanasen Mahathero, Bisuddhachar Mahathero, Most Ven. Sasanavangsa, Most Ven. Praggajyoti Mahathero, Most Ven. Sangharaj Sasanasree Mahathero, Most Ven. Praggamitra Mahathero and some other great monk of Sangha. Following the enlightened path of the way of writing and the way of meditation, these great monks became successful to arise some talented monk of the young generation. The great part of this rising sun is disciples of Aggamahasaddammajotikdharja Most Ven. Satyapriya Mahathero. His disciples go forward in both ways: the way of writing and the way of meditation. Among those, some noticeable monks were: Ven. Dharmaratna Mahathero, Ven. Sangharatna Mahathero, Ven. Priyaratna Mahathero, Ven. Sunanda Thero, Ven. Gyanaratna Thero, Ven. Silananda Thero, Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu, Ven. Karunasree Thero,Ven. Silapriya Bhikkhu, Ven. Sasanapriya Bhikkhu and Ven. Saranapriya Bhikkhu. Among these great monks, the attempt of Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu is try to go forward in the both ways which is really very much appreciable. He has already written some valuable books by this time such as: Upasana Paddhati(2000), Sutta Desana(2004), Hitopadesh(2006), Biswa Manisider Distite Buddha Dharma(2010) etc[4]. These books got high appreciation in the mind of the readers. This rising sun of young generation is born on 1977 in the Holy Sacred Day of Vesaka. His father Late Kirosen Barua and mother Amiyabala Barua lives in the village of Srikool of Ramu Thana. The first Bhikkhu of this village is Bhikkhu Sunandapriya,the editor of ‘Sougata’ and the second Bhikkhu of this village is Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu. In 1995 in the sacred day of Vesak, he became ordained monk by giving annadana to the Sangha under Ven. Satyapriya Mahathero in a great Buddhist conference at Ramu Srikool Maitriya Vihara. During his stay for couple of years under his teacher Most Ven. Satyapriya Mahathero, he passed secondary and higher secondary examination with distinction and at the same time he studied the teachings of Vinaya Pitaka. During his study of Tripitaka, he became interested to study Patthan. It requires hard labour, concentration, patience and long time to study Patthan. It is the last part of Abhidhamma Pitaka. This part is divided into five more sub-parts. By studying Patthan, it is possible for a person to achieve perfection in his knowledge after reading Nama-Rup, fifth senses and discussing their characteristics. This takes him a long way in the way Nirvana. It also removes all kinds of enmity, danger, causes of danger and fear from his mind. In every step of his life, it helps to achieve success and good luck[5]. Patthan is substance of 24 kinds of Hetu Paccaya. It is very much effective for Vipassa meditation.
Patthan is a very precious book and seventh book of Abhidhamma Pitaka. We find very deep interpretation of our mind, beauty (Rupa) and Nirvana in Abhidhamma Pitaka. The special book where we get perfect interpretation of Patityasamudpada is Patthan[6]. After getting ordination as a monk on 3rd May 1997, Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu went to Myanmar in the month of December, 2000 following the instruction of his teacher. There he studied meditation and Patthan for long five years under great teachers the enlightened men U. Janaka Mahathero and Soyemin Mahathero and came back to Bangladesh in 2005. Now Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu recites Patthan in every evening and working hard for the welfare of all helpless people and poor students. From then on, he became familiar to people as recite of Patthan. During his study time in Myanmar, he wanted to get idea about Pariyatti, Patiyatti and Patibedh and discussed about them with Dhammavandarik Most Ven. Sirinda Mahathero who memorized the whole Holy Tripitaka and successful meditationer Samiyatang Cheyado (Vinaya Mahathero).Not only them, during his stay in Myanmar, he received Buddhist education through on Vipassana and Patthan from different institutions and famous Buddhist scholars. After coming back from Myanmar on 2005, he worked very hard to re-organize Buddhist people and started his work in Bangladesh with them such as: education for children, repairing monastery, establishing Buddha statue, teaching of Vipassana to the villagers and tried to motivate and encourages the villagers to recite Patthan etc. He maintains relationship with his teacher Most Ven. Satyapriya Mahathero all the time and participated in many international conferences, recitation of holy Tripitaka in Buddhagaya, visited many countries for religious purpose. Now-a-days, he is working very hard for the welfare of society and religion which is highly appreciable. Here I should mention some other great monks who are working very hard for preserving the real ideology of Theravada and giving light to the young generation especially in the southern district Cox’s Bazar are the disciples of Ven. Satyapriya Mahathero, Late Vinayashil Sasanabangsa Mahathero and Praggamitra Mahathero. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu is the rising sun and new prospect among them. After getting ordination in 1997, Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu spent his first rainy retreat outside his temple in Konjabon Monastery built by Veer Bahadur at Nakhangchari in the year 2000. After that he started for Myanmar and established Hajarikol Bodhiratna Monastery and Satyapriya Vipassana Meditation Center after coming back from Myanmar. There are 22 Novices and 6 monks in this monastery now who are taking education on Vinaya and giving religious education to the children in the morning. None other this, Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu established morning religious education for the small children in his neighboring villages such as Dipasreekool, Okhiyar Ghona, Jadipara and Kharolia etc. In this young age, he becomes successful to prepare some disciples who are studying Buddhism through Vinaya at home and abroad. This is really highly appreciable. Among his disciples, Ven. Anandabodhi Bhikkhu, Dharmabodhi Bhikkhu,Sunandabodhi Bhikkhu and Warabodhi Bhikkhu are now studying in Thailand and Arjoybodhi, Somanabodhi, Saranabodhi, Sourabodhi and Subarnabodhi Bhikkhu are taking education staying with him[7]. After the ordination, he passes 14 years with extreme control of mind and following the way of sacrifice. Today’s reception ceremony of this Thero is the rewards of his long sacrificing dedicate life for mankind. I expect that Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu will always be remembered as right ancestor by the future generations.
1. Itihash Oitijjer Sandhane Bangladesher Prachin Buddhatirtya Rang-U Rangkot, Ven. Praggavangsa Mahathero,Chittagong,2010,pg 1-16
2. Dhato Bangsa,pg 108-112
3. Source: His Holiness Sangharaj Dharmasen Mahathero,Sangharaj,The Supreme Sangha Council of Bangladesh ,March 10,2011
4. Source: Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu, March 05, 2010
5. Patthan Pather Sufal, Bhikkhu Panna Tiloka, Yangun,Mayanmar, pg 2-3
6. Abhidharmattha Sangraha,Translator: Mr. Sobhuti Ranjan Barua, November 04, 1991,Calcutta,pg-201-237
7. According to the leaflet information in the reception ceremony of Praggabodhi Bhikkhu
[1]Itihash Oitijjer Sandhane Bangladesher Prachin Buddhatirtya Rang-U Rangkot, Ven. Praggavangsa Mahathero,Chittagong,2010,pg 1-16
[2] Dhato Bangsa,pg 108-112
[3] Source: His Holiness Sangharaj Dharmasen Mahathero,Sangharaj,The Supreme Sangha Council of Bangladesh ,March 10,2011
[4] Source: Ven. Praggabodhi Bhikkhu, March 05, 2010
[5] Patthan Pather Sufal, Bhikkhu Panna Tiloka, Yangun,Mayanmar, pg 2-3
[6] Abhidharmattha Sangraha,Translator: Mr. Sobhuti Ranjan Barua, November 04, 1991,Calcutta,pg-201-237
[7] According to the leaflet information in the reception ceremony of Praggabodhi Bhikkhu
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